Easter Bunny Envelope

Printable envelope for notes or letters from the Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny Envelope

This Easter Bunny envelope is an ideal match for Easter Bunny notes. Just print, cut out and stick the flaps down.

If you’d prefer to type your child’s name on this envelope, instead of writing it with a pen after printing, you could always try our editable PDF file. Do keep in mind however, that some browsers don’t allow you to type onto PDFs, so you may have to save it to your computer, then open it with your favourite PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Want the image instead of the PDF?

Click on the little grey numbers link above the colouring picture, next to the tiny magnifying glass. You should then be able to right click and save the image to your computer.

Like this envelope from the Easter Bunny? You might also want to check out a few more of our Fairyland envelopes.
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