Welcome to the page where we post any extra fairy-themed printables we have, which we can’t fit in on other pages. Here, you’ll find fairy bookmarks, fairy scrapbook paper and more.
Fairy Decorations
If you’re looking to add some fairy magic to your child’s room, or decorate for a magical party, you might like these printables:
Fairy Bookmarks:
It’s always a surprise to us in the midst of the digital age that we get so many requests for bookmarks. But we do. Particularly of the fairy kind, so we’ve created a few. We hope you find them useful.
Fairy bookmarks are great fun for any little girl who loves reading. Just print out the bookmark of your choice and pop it in her favourite book.
Fairy Scrapbook Paper:
On this page you’ll find our collection of free fairy scrapbooking paper. We’ve tried to make it as pretty as possible and each design has been carefully created to incorporate fairies. Whether your making cards, paper chains or just backing photographs, we hope you’ll find it useful for all your fairy crafting projects.
To print, just select type of fairy paper you want below, then right click over the big image of it and save it to your computer. If you would prefer to access a PDF, you will find a button linking to one at the bottom of each individual scrapbook paper page.
Blue Petals & Fairies
Garden Flower Fairies (Large)
Garden Flower Fairies (Small)
Petals & Fairies (Large)
Petals & Fairies (Small)
Blue Petals & Fairies
Garden Flower Fairies at Dusk (Large)
Garden Flower Fairies at Dusk (Small)
Nighttime Fairies
If you like these, don’t forget we add to our printables whenever we can spare the time, so do pop back occasionally or keep an eye on our Facebook page for more.
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<h5>Find more fairy things below…</h5>
Midsummer Magic

Ah Midsummer! What a wonderful, magical time. It conjures up long light evenings, fairies of the forests and fields, Shakespearean fantasies, and moonlit picnics. We love all these things and more. Whether you’re celebrating the Solstice or having a Midsummer’s Eve Party or just a family celebration on Midsummer’s Day, all our Midsummer printables are … Continue reading Midsummer Magic
Fairy Garlands

For little ones who love fairies, these easy-to-make garlands are a great way to make a fairy party look magical. They also look great in bedrooms… where the fairies can watch over you all night long. To make this decoration, you will need: How to Make Your Summer Sky Fairy Garland: STEP 1 Decide how … Continue reading Fairy Garlands
Make a Miniature Tooth Fairy Letter

There are many beautiful Tooth Fairy letters out there in the cloud and some of the loveliest ones are very small. Fairy-sized in fact. However, it can be rather fiddly to find a tiny pen (and perhaps your strongest reading glasses!) to write one yourself, so we thought we’d post a couple that are ready-written … Continue reading Make a Miniature Tooth Fairy Letter
Your Fairy Ideas

Hello dear visitors! First of all a big thank you to all of you who have dropped us a line since the new year with your fairy requests and ideas. We LOVE to hear your thoughts. As you know, we don’t always have time to make everything we would want to, but we do try … Continue reading Your Fairy Ideas
Birthday Certificates

Hello visitor! If you’re a regular you may have noticed we’ve been adding to our birthday printables lately, with a special focus on certificates. However, because they’re from all sorts of magical people, they’re scattered all over the site. This page is here to bring them all together so you can see what’s new. All … Continue reading Birthday Certificates