We’ve been updating our Tooth Fairy and Birthday Fairy notes this week and we thought you might find it useful to see a quick list of which notes are brand new.
We’ll continue adding notes from both these magical characters whenever we can. If you enjoy a particular note, please consider liking it using the social media buttons (Facebook, Twitter etc) at the bottom of the relevant page. This helps us work out what’s popular and what to make more of. Thanks. x
Here are our latest notes:
1. Tooth Fairy Note: Another Tooth Already?!

2. Tooth Fairy Note: Thank You for Your Front Tooth

3. Tooth Fairy Note: Collecting Your First Tooth

4. Birthday Fairy Note: Happy Birthday (for a Girl)

5. Birthday Fairy Note: Happy Birthday (for a Boy)

6. Birthday fairy Note: Birthday Girl Poem

7. Birthday Fairy Note: Birthday Boy Poem

Beyond uploading new notes, you’ll noticed that we’ve reorganised the Tooth Fairy’s messages into categories. We hope this will make it easier to find the note you need.
As for the Birthday Fairy, she has only just started writing messages for our site. We hope to hear more from her soon. To find out when she writes something new, you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter, join our mailing list or simply keep an eye on our Birthday Fairy note page.