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To view the biggest size of each of the pirate certificates above, just click the one you want, then click the little grey number above the image, which tells you the dimensions of the file. It will take you to the original. After that, you can right-click on it and either use the drop-down list to “view image” or, if you don’t have that option, right-click and select “save picture as”. This will save the full-sized certificate on your computer.
Tip: If you want to print a nice, big certificate, rotate it (90°) then fit to page before printing. You will need to save the certificate of your choice to your PC to do this.
You may also want to print a back for this certificate – if so scroll down.
These certificates be a fine treasure for any young scally wag to nail to his cabin wall. Arrrrrr!
Or, in non-pirate speak, the certificates above are great little rewards for any child who loves pirates. Just print them, fill them out and pop them in a frame for your child or stick them on a notice board, fridge or wall.

Do you need to print a back for your pirate certificate? It is a bigger image than our certificates (above) so that you can print it straight out on the back of your certificate then take a pair of scissors and trim off the excess. You can either:
♦ click on the image, copy it (by right clicking), then paste it into a new file in a drawing package of your choice to resize it for your needs
♦ or download it as a PDF.
For that extra authentic look, after printing the back of your chosen pirate certificate, you could cut it out (so that no white paper shows), roll it up and tie it with ribbon or even a piece of piraty-looking string. Ar-harr, that’s me beauty! Watch this video to see one being made.
Looking for a professionally printed pirate poster or card?
We’ve put one in our Zazzle store: