Hello and welcome to a post where we’ve added together all our best messages from the Easter Bunny. (If you’re Australian you might want our Easter Bilby resources instead.) Whether notes, letters or certificates, we bet your little one would love to hear from the most magical rabbit in the world this year.
Eggcellent Attitude Award
Good Egg Award
Eggcellent Behaviour Certificate
Ace Egg Roller Award
Award for Helping Others
Great Greens Gobbler
Ace Egg Hunter
Official Visitation Certificate
Funny Easter Bunny Note: Well Done for Being Good
I’ve Hidden Easter Eggs Around Your House
Try and Eat More Fruit
Be Good Until Easter
Will You Leave Me a Carrot?
Thank You For the Carrot
Easter Bunny Tidy Bedroom Certificate
Easter Bunny Envelope
Along with the little messages and certificates above, one of our favourite Easter resources is this full-length letter from the Easter Bunny. It’s a lovely thing for a child to find with the eggs on Easter Morning… adds a sprinkle of magic to the this holiday occasion.
Need another one? There’s at least one more letter from the Easter Bunny available on this page.
Looking for some blank Easter notepaper? Try these:
Are you looking for our latest Christmas printables? Well, you can find them on the Christmas area of our site, or just click on the links which interest you below.
From Rudolph’s writings to Santa’s scribblings, these are the letters we love!Favourite Xmas printables, old and newUseful bits and pieces from the Christmas elvesLetters from Rudolph and the reindeerTwo magical letters for you Christmas Eve box, from Santa and Rudolph.
We wish you a truly magical Christmas, and all the best for the new year.
This year, we’ve created a few extra letters from Father Christmas to try and help you spread a bit of magic after such a hard year. They’re all free to print for your personal use. You can find them on the Christmas section of our site. Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year. x
2020 Free letters from Father Christmas – written with the pandemic in mind