Category Archives: Summer

Fairy Garlands

For little ones who love fairies, these easy-to-make garlands are a great way to make a fairy party look magical.  They also look great in bedrooms… where the fairies can watch over you all night long.

To make this decoration, you will need:

How to Make Your Summer Sky Fairy Garland:


Decide how many fairies you need for your garland, then print them by clicking the fairy pictures below. (Each one will take you to a pdf file of that fairy pendant – three per page.)


Cut around the oval cloudscapes containing the fairies, so that you can fold each one to make a double sided paper pendant.  Tip: You might find it easier to fold each pendant over the string/wool before you glue the two halves together, so that you don’t have to thread it through.


Stick the two halves of each pendant together but only glue about half or two thirds of the blank side, leaving a nice wide unglued bit at the top for your string/wool to go through. This makes it much easier to rethread if you want to rearrange anything – you won’t have to fiddle about trying to force your string through a very small space! Finally, you might like to know that when we made ours, we found wool much better than string – it just seemed better at holding each fairy in place.


Pretty fairy bunting hanging in a garden

Hang your magical string of fairies anywhere in your home or garden.  Well done!  If they’ve turned out anything like ours it was worth the effort – and we hope your children enjoy them. A final tip: once the glue was dry we trimmed each oval to make sure there were no bits of white paper from the other side showing around the edges.

Summer Party Garlands

Closeup of some printable flower buntingIt’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere,  officially from 21st June to 22nd of September 2017, and for many families, this means celebrations of all kinds.  Perhaps you have a summer birthday in your clan?  Or you can’t wait to treat the kids to a barbecue?  Maybe you’re a fan of Midsummer Night’s Eve?  Or you just can’t think of anything lovelier than drinks, nibbles or whole feasts in the garden?

Whatever the case, we’ve created a couple of quick decorations for you to craft.  There are links to flower, burger, and fruit garlands below, all ready to print out.

Garland of printable flowers

This printable blue and pink flower garland is a great way to decorate your house, garden or balcony for summer parties, barbecues or just because you want to add a bit of summer colour to your life. Here’s what you need: a printer, a pair of scissors, some wool/string and (optionally) some glue.


We know it’s pretty obvious how and make this garland, but we’ve added some steps below to make it even easier.  We hope you (and your children) have a great time decorating for your summer party!

How to Make Your Flower Garland:


Print as many flowers as you want to include in your garland by clicking on the pictures below. (Each one will take you to a pdf file of that flower.)


Carefully cut out your flowers.  Now fold them in half but here’s a tip: You might find it easier to fold them over the string/wool before you glue the two halves together, so that you don’t have to thread it through.


Stick the two halves together but only glue about half or two thirds of the blank side, leaving a nice wide unglued bit at the top for your string/wool to go through.  This makes it much easier to rethread if you want to rearrange anything – you won’t have to fiddle about trying to force your string through a very small space!  Finally, you might like to know that when we made ours, we found wool much better than string – it just seemed better at holding each flower in place.


Hang your beautiful string of flowers somewhere in your garden or home and give yourself  big pat on the back for such brilliant crafting!  As you can see, we hung ours in our garden, just above our gate.  A final tip: once the glue was dry we trimmed each flower to make sure there were no bits of white paper showing around the edges.

If flowers aren’t right for you, or if you’re looking for something that might be more popular with boys, you could…

Make a Burger Garland

Burger GarlandThese are great for barbecues, just use the picture below to print cut out, fold over string and stick.  (You make these exactly the same way as the flower garland, so if you’re stuck, just use the crafting  steps above.)

You could also jazz up any summer party with this delicious-looking decorations…

Fruit Garland

To make your own fabulous fruit bunting, visit this page.  Good luck and have a wonderful summer! xx

Printable Fruit Garland

Printable Fruit Garland

This printable fruit garland is a great way to decorate your house for summer parties, barbecues or just because you want to freshen up your child’s bedroom.  All you need is a printer, a pair of scissors, some wool/string and (optionally) some glue.


We know you can probably make this garland without instructions, but we’ve added some steps below, just to help out.  We hope you (and your children) have as much fun making it as we did!


How to Make Your Fruit Garland:


Print the slices of fruit you want to include in your garland by clicking on the pictures below.  (Each one will take you to a pdf file of that fruit.)


Carefully cut out your fruit slices and fold them in half.  Each one is a perfect circle, to make this easy.


Hang the folded fruit slices over a piece of string or wool.  TIP: If you are making a long garland and you find the fruit slices are sliding about, tie knots in the string in between each one, to keep them in place.  Alternatively, stretch the string straight (like a washing line) and smear/brush some glue along it, then place the fruit slices where you want them before leaving to dry.  Once dry, they should stay in place.



Hang it somewhere in your home!  We chose our fireplace because we were a bit short on time… but you can probably think of somewhere much nicer.  They do look especially nice in children’s bedrooms.

4th of July Independence Day Printables

Hello Americans!  As you might know, we’re based in the UK, but we had a bit of extra time this month so we thought we’d create some Independence Day printables for you to enjoy.  Here they are,  listed below…

We hope you have fun preparing for the big day in 2016 and wish you a very happy Fourth of July. xx


Five Fun Printables for Summer

Well here we are in the midst of summer once more and with the school holidays all but upon us, we thought we’d post up a list of five of our most popular summer printables.  Some are brand new and some are old favourites.  Hope you enjoy them. 


sample-viking-runes1. Viking Runes Bunting

Ok, not strictly a summer resource but these are proving pretty popular for anyone having a Viking birthday party for the kids. Spelling out the birthday boy or girl’s name in real Viking runes and hanging them along the wall adds a great bit of fun to the festivities. (Now all we need is the 3D printer technology to hurry up and become commonplace so we can design you a Viking helmet and a longboat too!)

Summer Party Bags2. Summer Party Bags

Great for summer parties of all kinds and a cool way of getting the kids to “help” you.  Just print them out, stick the flaps down and fill with goodies for your party guests.

Father-Christmas-summer-note3. Summer Santa Note

This one is for the end of the summer holidays.  In it, Father Christmas thanks your child for being good over the summer and says he hopes he/she will keep it up until Christmas.  In our house, a word from Santa brings a smile amid that back to school gloom!

summer-santa-certificate4. Summer Santa Certificate

Give the summer holidays a couple of weeks to kick in and then encourage further good behaviour with this summer certificate from Santa.  Christmas may seem like a long way off but it’s never a bad thing to let your child know that the elves have their eyes out all year.

summer-party-invitations5. Party Invitations

Finally, if you browse our party invitations, you’ll find a few that could come in handy for the summer, such as the barbeque, picnic invitation and summer garden party invitation.