Tag Archives: bunting

Fun for the Fourth of July

Hello!  For those of you celebrating the 4th of July this year, we thought we’d create a quick post to show you which printables we’ve got on the site that could come in handy.  Please find them below.

Party Cones

First up are a few party cones, useful as hats or containers for popcorn, candy and snacks.

Snack/Candy Baskets

Next up are our printable paper baskets.  You can put snacks such as  candy, popcorn, chips or cookies in them and they’ll make your party table look gorgeous!

Coloring Pages

Hoping to involve the kids?  Why not print them one of these 4th July coloring pages.  They’ll add that all-the-family vibe to your celebratory decor.

Best of the Rest

And finally, here are the other printable bits and bobs we think could be of use for your Independence Day decorating endeavours.

It’s always nice to make your own decorations for Independence Day and online printables are a fun way to get started.  They’re also great for getting the kids involved.  We hope that whether you’re making paper chains, coloring posters in, crafting baskets or hanging up bunting, you have a lovely time and a magical 4th of July.


VE Day Bunting

Is it really that time of year again already?  Yes, indeed.  Spring is in the air and Victory in Europe Day is coming up very soon (9 May) so for those of you looking to decorate, we’ve collected our VE Day printables together in this post.  All free, of course!

VE Day Posters:

Planning on serving cupcakes?  Your tea table could look extra special with some printable cupcake wrappers:

You might also like our NHS rainbow printables.

May Day Printables

To make it nice and easy for you to prepare for May Day, we thought we’d make all our relevant printables easy to find by listing them in one post.  There are some immediately below and some farther down the page.


What Do People Do on May Day?

maypole-and-may-queenMay Day is an ancient festival whose roots are lost in the mists of time.  As you can probably tell from the printables above, it is often celebrated with flowers.  May parades, maypole dancing, May basket making and the crowning of the May Queen are just a few of the activities you can find going on around May 1st.

Picture of a maypole for children to colour in.
Maypole Colouring for May Day

In general terms, it is about the marking of spring.  In some countries, bonfires are lit to symbolise the light bringing the long, dark nights of winter to an end, and in others, people stay up all night on the day before May Day so that they can celebrate the coming of the dawn.  In the UK, we have Early May Bank Holiday – which is a three-day weekend – so should you fancy a night of waiting up for the sun to rise, you should have enough time to catch up on sleep before having to go back to work!

What’s in it for the Kids?

Assuming that you either can’t get to or can’t find an organised May Day celebration, there are still lots of traditions you can engage in at home.  Decorating your home with May Day flowers might be a nice activity for the children.  You could use real flowers and arrange them in different vases or cut out a whole pile of paper flowers and stick them around the house.

Another idea might be to make a paper flower garland:

Garland of printable flowers

Or print a few flowery paper baubles:

May Baskets

One of the loveliest May Day traditions for kids to help with is the giving of May baskets.  The idea is that you fill baskets with flowers, sweets and/or other presents and leave them on the doorstep of someone you think deserves them – for example, an aunt, uncle, grandparent, friend or babysitter who has been nice to you all year.  You don’t have to use a real basket, you can make one out of card like these:

The gifts don’t need to be expensive either – it’s one of those occasions where it’s the thought that counts.

Even More Decorations for May Day:

Of course, another lovely way to decorate is good old-fashioned paper chains… anything with a spring theme.  Like these:

Barbecue Decorations

If you’re planning a barbecue, why not go the whole hog and decorate your garden?  It’s a great way to involve the kids and is sure to amuse your guests… decorations are always a good talking point as people mingle.  And if you’re not able to have guests, decorations can still help make for some memorable photographs which you can then post on social media and share with your friends.  Everyone loves seeing a bit of family creativity!

Here’s what we’ve got in the way of printables to help you:

If you like the tomato and cucumber slices (above) you might also like to make our fruit slices garland, it can look pretty both inside and out.

Printable Fruit Garland

You might also find these useful:

Or maybe you’re looking for some decorative BBQ-themed notepaper, or a template to write your barbecue menu or invitation on:

Of course, no page of printable resources would be complete without characters from the magical world – after all, that’s what our site is all about.  So, with this in mind, here are some barbecue-themed colouring pages which include some fun fantasy creatures:

We hope you enjoy your garden party or barbecue and that you get good weather!

Flamingo Treasure Hunt and Party Printables

Fabulous flamingos are everywhere these days and are increasingly popular with children as well as grown-ups.  With this in mind, we’ve created a rhyming flamingo treasure hunt, fun for all flamingo-loving kids.  It can be used for parties or just as a run-around-the-house game on an ordinary afternoon.

What You Need:

A printer for the clues of course, and some scissors to cut them out.  This is an indoor game and we have tried to make sure that the clues only include objects (such as a book or a chair) that exist in any house.  You’ll also need some “treasure” to leave with the last clue.

Flamingo Treasure Hunt Clues:
Printable flamingo treaure hunt clues - a game for a children's party.
Printable Flamingo Treasure Hunt
A Couple of Tips:

Along with your treasure or prize, you could add a fabulous flamingo certificate for the winner.  Obviously, you won’t know who that is until the game takes place, so just make sure you have a pen handy to add the winning child’s name.

If you’d rather not print any images, the text of our clues is below.  Just highlight, copy and print.

The prettiest birds
To fly through the air
Have left their first clue
Not far from a chair.

Flamingos like bathing
Their feathers so pink,
So look for a clue
Near a bath or a sink.

When flamingos get tired
They rest their soft heads,
They’ve left you a clue
By somebody’s bed!

Flamingos love sunshine
And everything bright!
There might be a clue
Near some sort of light.

The next one is tough,
The flamingos are sure
They’ve hidden it well,
In the dark of a drawer.

Flamingos are fast,
They can fly like a rocket,
They’ve dropped the next clue
Into somebody’s pocket!

My goodness you’re close,
Don’t stop, look, look, look!
The flamingos have slid
The last clue in a book.

You’ve found it, well done,
Give your feathers a shake,
What a splendid flamingo
You’d certainly make!

More Flamingo Printables

If you’re going the whole hog and throwing a flamingo party, you might find the following resources useful.  They’re all free to print out for personal use.  We hope you and the children have lots of fantastic flamingo fun.

Flamingo Scrapbook Paper

Finally, we’ve got a couple of pieces of flamingo themed scrapbooking paper below, which might come in useful if you’re making further flamingo resources of your own.  For example, they  could be helpful if you’re making party place mats.  You could also use them as special  wrapping paper if you’ve got a flamingo fan in the family.

If you’re looking for more treasure hunts, you might like to check out the ones we’ve created for mermaids and pirates.

Pirate and Mermaid Treasure Hunt Clues
Pirate and Mermaid Treasure Hunt Clues



Christmas Party Printables

If you’re planning a Christmas party, you might like to browse our latest Christmas party printables.  You’ll find them below, along with a handful of old favourites.  They’re generally designed with children in mind, but there’s no reason they wouldn’t do for older gatherings as well.

Summer Party Garlands

Closeup of some printable flower buntingIt’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere,  officially from 21st June to 22nd of September 2017, and for many families, this means celebrations of all kinds.  Perhaps you have a summer birthday in your clan?  Or you can’t wait to treat the kids to a barbecue?  Maybe you’re a fan of Midsummer Night’s Eve?  Or you just can’t think of anything lovelier than drinks, nibbles or whole feasts in the garden?

Whatever the case, we’ve created a couple of quick decorations for you to craft.  There are links to flower, burger, and fruit garlands below, all ready to print out.

Garland of printable flowers

This printable blue and pink flower garland is a great way to decorate your house, garden or balcony for summer parties, barbecues or just because you want to add a bit of summer colour to your life. Here’s what you need: a printer, a pair of scissors, some wool/string and (optionally) some glue.


We know it’s pretty obvious how and make this garland, but we’ve added some steps below to make it even easier.  We hope you (and your children) have a great time decorating for your summer party!

How to Make Your Flower Garland:


Print as many flowers as you want to include in your garland by clicking on the pictures below. (Each one will take you to a pdf file of that flower.)


Carefully cut out your flowers.  Now fold them in half but here’s a tip: You might find it easier to fold them over the string/wool before you glue the two halves together, so that you don’t have to thread it through.


Stick the two halves together but only glue about half or two thirds of the blank side, leaving a nice wide unglued bit at the top for your string/wool to go through.  This makes it much easier to rethread if you want to rearrange anything – you won’t have to fiddle about trying to force your string through a very small space!  Finally, you might like to know that when we made ours, we found wool much better than string – it just seemed better at holding each flower in place.


Hang your beautiful string of flowers somewhere in your garden or home and give yourself  big pat on the back for such brilliant crafting!  As you can see, we hung ours in our garden, just above our gate.  A final tip: once the glue was dry we trimmed each flower to make sure there were no bits of white paper showing around the edges.

If flowers aren’t right for you, or if you’re looking for something that might be more popular with boys, you could…

Make a Burger Garland

Burger GarlandThese are great for barbecues, just use the picture below to print cut out, fold over string and stick.  (You make these exactly the same way as the flower garland, so if you’re stuck, just use the crafting  steps above.)

You could also jazz up any summer party with this delicious-looking decorations…

Fruit Garland

To make your own fabulous fruit bunting, visit this page.  Good luck and have a wonderful summer! xx

Bits and Bobs for Thanksgiving

ThanksgivingAlthough we are based in the UK, we know we have many American visitors, so we occasionally add resources for Thanksgiving.  Here are they are, in no particular order.

  • Thanksgiving Notes – Little notes to print and/or write on, saying what you give thanks for.

Our Favourites: