Ah spring. (At least if, like us, you’re in the northern hemisphere.) The lambs, the daffodils, the bluebells, the light. Goodness, we’ve missed the light. And of course, Easter around the corner. It’s always a bit of rush in our house to get everything done, unlike Christmas, which seems to be hanging around from September onwards these days. We always feel that Easer rather jumps out from around the proverbial corner – and a mad scramble for eggs, decorations and magical Easter Bunny printables is pretty much guaranteed. Talking of which, our top picks for this year are below…
Easter Bunny Certificates:
We’ve built up quite a few of these over the years, and you can find all of them on this page. However, our four favourites are a follows:
Easter Bunny Letters and/or Notes
As with the certificates, we’ve created a fair few of these now but these are the ones we like the best. Hopefully, you’ll like them too:

Easter Decorations:
From the minute the Easter Holidays start it can be great fun to gather up some children and make the house look lovely. The spring decorations we like most are below, though it’s also worth hunting around the internet for more such things, for as much as we’d love you to stay on this site forever, there are lots of other gorgeous decorative ideas out there.
Easter Bilby Resources:
Okay, so we’re based in the UK, but we love the idea of the Easter Bilby and for any Australians out there, these are the four bilby resources to make sure you don’t miss:
Easter Fairy Newspaper
Our Easter issue of our printable fairy newspaper, The Midnight Messenger is also available as a bit of free magic for your child. It’s best read in the run-up to Easter and will let your child know all about what’s going in the Easter Bunny’s chocolate factory under the ground.